Look Out World!!

Weekly Class Objectives/Assignments

Weekly Class Objectives/Assignments
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Here is a list our objectives for the week:

Chapter 5 - Creating the Constitution
Section 1 -  The Constitutional Convention
Section 2 - The Struggle for Ratification
Section 3 - The Supreme Law of the Land
In this chapter, we will learn about how the United States Constitution
was written, the debate about its ratification, and how the Constitution
set up the democratic government that has lasted more than 200

Review Pacing Guide/Course Syllabus.


Monday:    Section 1 - The Constitutional Convention
Tuesday:   Section 2 - The Struggle for Ratification
Wednesday:  Section 3 - The Supreme Law of the Land
Thursday:    Review Chapter 5

Homework:  I rarely assign written homework. 
                   Students need to study Key Terms and class notes nightly. 
                   Projects will be assigned once per semester.

Working Together To Achieve Excellence